This article is going to deal with how to manage your finances according to Biblical teachings. Being a Christian is difficult in the world today, actually it has always been difficult, today or in the past. If you live in the United States of America, your family has wants and needs that are of a material nature. It is very easy to get caught up in the "keeping up with the Joneses" syndrome.
You probably attend church with families that drive nice cars and trucks, live in nice homes in nice neighborhoods, and wear nice clothes. On the outside it looks as though everyone is doing well financially. However, most of us don't actually own all of those nice things, the bank, finance company or credit card company is the real owner, until we get them paid off anyway.
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Unless you are one of the few, you are in the same boat. If you lost your income right now would you be able to continue your lifestyle? If not, then you need to make some adjustments in how you manage your money. You can have all of those things, it is that you don't know how to have them without being in debt up to your neck.
Financial Freedom Religious style, is the only way to go! Our Creator wants us to have abundance, and we can if we manage our finances following Biblical Meaning strategies.
There is a saying, and I believe that it is out of the Bible, "the borrower is slave to the lender".
It is Not Freedom until you are no longer the slave.
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