Some lenders come up with innumerable plans that enable you to pay off your loans faster. There are ways to do so, but there may also be certain loopholes for which you have to be alert. Always check all the terms and conditions before getting into any of these schemes. Some of the factors that you should pay special attention to at this stage in order to avoid any further loopholes are:
Cost of the program:
This includes the entire cost for the counseling, advising and whatever else is included in the passage. You should clarify if the charges are only for the information given, if the money is a one time payment or has to be paid every month and if there are any hidden costs involved later. Determine whether the program is worth it by comparing the entire cost of the service and the loan amount. You don't want to be paying an exorbitant amount for a meager loan.
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Is there any software involved in the program?
If the service insists on you using a software, some of the questions you should ask yourself are:
· Are you comfortable entering the figures into a software or do you prefer a normal sheet with columns drawn?
· Do you really need to purchase th software or will it be leased to you till you pay off the loan?
· How tedious is the procedure of entering the information?
· Can you abandon the software and pay off your loan faster?
· If you are paying for the software in installments, what is the period required to pay the loan and the costs therefore involved for the software alone.
Sometimes these services only employ software to appear more sophisticated and advanced but you should realize that the same calculations can be done on a spreadsheet using a pencil. There are also many such calculators available for free on the internet.
Commission involved in selling the program
This is especially appealing to those involved in sales or those with a large circle of friends. Firstly, you need to be sure that this is not of any problem to th parent company. If you are absolutely aware of the software intricacies and impressed with the company presentation, you could sell the program part time. However you need to ensure that you have sufficient time to spare in addition to earning as much to pay off your loan.
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